Program Cost Information

Below are specific program cost information handouts per degree level and program of study, and are estimated expenses submitted to the U.S. government as estimated cost of living and studying at Lynn University. This is the amount of funding that must be shown before a form I-20 can be issued by the International Student Services Office and to the U.S. Consulate before the F-1 visa can be issued. You can count any scholarships you are awarded toward the total cost listed on the program cost information for your program.

The costs listed on the Program Cost Information handout for your program are estimates and should not be used to determine the actual costs associated with attending Lynn University.

Employment Forms

Curricular Practical Training: The CPT request forms are now available on the ISSO Student Access Page for electronic submission. This CPT e-form process will replace the Center for Career Connections’ paper Internship Registration Form that has been previously used. (For International Students on an F1 Visa Only).

To complete the CPT Request E-forms for your Internship/Off-campus employment opportunity, please see handouts with instructions below.

Title Description File type

Read through the first page and follow the instructions on how to apply for Optional Practical Training (OPT).


Click on this handout if you need help filling out the OPT Application Forms I-765 & G1145.


Important Handouts

Title Description File type

If you plan on traveling outside of the U.S. be sure to read the following information on what documents you will need to return to the U.S. or to renew your F-1 visa.


Find all the information you need to apply for a Social Security Number


Find all of the information you need to get a Florida State Driver's License or ID!


All F-1 students and their F-2 dependents must file Form 8843 even if they received NO income during 2016.


Need help filling out your 8843 Tax Form? Here are detailed instructions on how to fill it out and where to mail it.


As the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) intensifies its immigration compliance efforts, please make sure that you keep a print out of your most recent I-94 record with you. (See handout with instructions on how to retrieve your I-94 and how to correct your I-94 if it is incorrect).


See all the dates for the Fall semester employment workshops. No individuals sessions will be schedule. Students that cannot attend the in-person workshops for OPT and CPT will need to complete the online workshop.
