Connect-ED, the emergency notification system, is built exclusively for post-secondary institutions. 
The Connect-ED service allows campus leaders and security professionals to send time-sensitive notifications to thousands of people in minutes. This system provides important information and reassurance to students, faculty, staff, and parents.  
To sign up for Connect-Ed, please visit the Emergency Contact Information Form on MyLynn. ( must be logged into the system to access this form. 
The Connect-ED notification system would be used if one of the following is true:
1.  It is determined that there is an immediate, imminent and/or ongoing threat to the campus and/or community members. Some examples of this type of incident include; a building fire, gas leak, bomb threat, campus/local community flooding, active shooter, chemical spill or armed intruder. The Emergency Notification/Timely Warning will be issued as soon as pertinent information is available. 
2.  An event external to Lynn’s campus occurs that causes a campus-wide reaction: campus is locked down, evacuated, etc. An example of this includes police request campus lock down due to external incident.
3. The proper mix of communications channels will be decided on a case-by-case basis (i.e. issuance of Timely Warnings, Connect-ED, Campus-wide email, Emergency Notification):
-A targeted use of Connect-ED or full deployment of all modalities of communication, may be deemed necessary based on the nature of the event. Specifically, if the incident creates fast-moving misinformation via word-of-mouth and/or social media, the communications staff will recommend a targeted use of Connect-ED to help squash the rumors and reduce possible panic in false reported situations.
- Additionally, a campus-wide email should be used in conjunction with other communications channels. If it is determined that Connect-ED is not used, then the campus-wide email may be sent.